The Founders of The SMKT Academy Invite you to…
Change your results in 7 days on LinkedIn
Learn How To Master This Crucial Business Tool to Increase Your Customer Base Without Spending Hours a Day
What will you learn?
What LI SSI is, and why it is crucial to your reach on LinkedIn
What 5 minute actions you can take daily to massively increase your post reach
Join us on the 26th March 2025 to find out more
If you can’t make the 26th March, please email applications@socialmediakickstartertraining.co.uk to find out the next dates.
Need more reasons to join the training?
About The Training
- It’s free!
- You deserve a lunch break
- It’s probably about time you worked ON your business this month and not IN it!
- Did we mention the free networking? Meet some new contacts who might lead to …who knows what !
- MOST IMPORTANTLY – you will be able to shift the dial immediately on your LinkedIn results.

Who is it for?

This event is for you (or your staff) if you feel like you could be getting more from LinkedIn, and don’t know where to start.
It’s also for you if you want some practical simple steps that you dont have to be a marketing genius to understand or implement.
Not Only That…
You will be invited to join our community and hear about other free or paid training, networking events and masterclasses that we put on from time to time.
You might even be invited to join our Get Shit Done in the sun retreats!
We will not spam you, but we WILL send you reminders. We have limited spaces for the event – so please DO let us know if you cannot attend by email to applications@socialmediakickstartertraining.co.uk